Over 550 documents related to the Ventura River watershed have been compiled into a document library that has been made available to the public on Google Drive (an online file server). This library includes plans, annual reports, studies, permits, letters/memos, articles, brochures, policies, guidelines, and lawsuit-related documents.
The “Document Library” link below takes you to a Google Drive page. This page contains three things: 1) 20 folders of documents, 2) an Excel spreadsheet inventory of all of the documents, and 3) a ReadMe file that explains how to open and download documents, and how to use the spreadsheet.
Please get in touch with the watershed coordinator at venturawatershed@gmail.com to make suggestions about documents.
Other Document Libraries
The following websites are great resources for additional watershed-related documents:
Friends of the Ventura River Document Library
Many types of documents, with an extensive collection of Steelhead-related documents.
Santa Barbara Channelkeeper, Stream Team
Largely water quality data and reports.
Watersheds Coalition of Ventura County Library
A variety of documents, with a countywide focus.
Matilija Dam Ecosystem Restoration Project
Documents related to the removal of Matilija Dam.